In case you're wondering and it's not that clear what a fabulous food (or drink) find is, here's a little run-through of some of the factors that I think make a product or producer worthy of being a Fabulous Food Find...
Fabulous: outstanding, exciting, very good, wonderful, can't keep it to yourself amazing.
Food: a food or drink product or producer or associated article (eg apron, pan, cookbook)
Find: something that is found; identified as being noteworthy mainly by me (@katytruss)
Here are some more specifics about what I class as a Fabulous Food Find:
1. It tastes amazing. So good you want to tell other people about it!
2. It's made with integrity and with quality ingredients.
3. It has a wow factor that makes them stand out on the shelf.
4. The maker/ producer has a real passion for their product and industry, doing their best to make the highest quality product possible.
5. It might be hard to find, in limited supply or not on all the supermarket shelves.
6. There's a story behind the product or producer that's inspiring.
7. It's made in a traditional way without cutting corners (like cheaper ingredients or less cooking time) to guarantee the highest quality possible
8. It might have won a notable industry award like a Great Taste or Quality Food Award.
9. It offers excellent value by being versatile/ exceptional quality/ stand out flavour etc.
10. The company not only make an excellent product but do good for their community and consider the wider impact on the environment too.
Are you, or do you make, a Fabulous Food Find? Fill in the form on this page so we can start getting to know each other!